Write the Declaration of the Independence Quiz Sporcle

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The Declaration of Independence Quiz will test your knowledge of America's founding document.

1. What year was the Declaration of Independence drafted?
a. 1774
b. 1775
c. 1776
d. 1777
2. Where is the Declaration of Independence stored as of early 2007?
a. The White House
b. The National Archives
c. The Senate
d. The Library of Congress
3. What day of the year was the printed Declaration of Independence signed?
a. July 2
b. July 4
c. August 2
d. August 4
4. The original handwritten draft of the Declaration still survives as of 2007.
a. True
b. False
5. Who among the following helped write the original draft of the Declaration?
a. George Washington
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. John Hancock
d. John Quincy Adams
6. Who printed the engrossed copy of the Declaration which was signed by the delegates of the Second Continental Congress?
a. Mary Katharine Goddard
b. John Dunlap
c. Betsy Ross
d. William J. Stone
7. The Declaration of Independence marked the beginning of the American Revolutionary War.
a. True
b. False
8. Who was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence?
a. Thomas Jefferson
b. Edward Rutledge
c. John Adams
d. John Hancock
9. Which part of the Declaration are American schoolchildren required to memorize?
a. The Introduction
b. The Preamble
c. The Indictment
d. The Denunciation
10. Who was the oldest signer of the Declaration, at age 70?
a. Edward Rutledge
b. John Hancock
c. George Washington
d. Benjamin Franklin
11. The original draft of the Declaration contained a denunciation of slavery, later edited out by the Congress.
a. True
b. False
12. Parts of the Declaration which were seen as directly critical of the English people were edited out by the Congress.
a. True
b. False
13. What are the five parts of the Declaration of Independence?
a. Introduction, Declaration of Rights, List of Grievances, Resolution of Independence by the United States, Signatures
b. Introduction, Declaration of Rights, List of Grievances, Resolution of Independence, Signature
c. Preamble, Declaration of Rights, List of Grievances, Resolution of Independence by the United States, Signature
d. Preamble, Declaration of Natural Rights, List of Grievances, Resolution of Independence by the United States, Signature
14. What number of the 27 grievance was the "taxation without representation" listed?
a. number 1
b. number 17
c. number 8
d. number 2
15. When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
a. 1454
b. 1549
c. 1776
d. 1997
16. Of the first thirteen states which was the first to sign the bill?
a. maine
b. rhode island
c. delaware
d. south carolina
17. What was written on the back of "Declaration of Independence"?
a. A invisible map
b. Original Declaration of Independence
c. Latin phrases
d. God bless America
18. Where was George Washington during the signing of the Declaration of Independence?
a. Boston
b. Jamestown
c. Philidelphia
d. New York
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What others think about Declaration of Independence
By: Robert Woodsmall on Jul 3, 2013
The signs we follow as a country that keeps us on the right path.
By: jj on Jun 5, 2013
My first grade teachers great great great great ect. grandafther signed it. Richard Stockton.
By: Midhinesh on Feb 28, 2012
I'm an Indian. I knew more about Declaration aof Independence because of my American History Mrs. Deese.I congratulate her.
By: Just LAmp on Feb 12, 2011
I think everybody study about the declaration of independence
By: Fern on Jan 19, 2011
Everyone the Declaration of Independence is great all but,as little people know we are being deceived. sorry for those who love America. but i was born here and i thought it was great but, there are things going on in the Government that aren't right.Just look up ALEX JONES.I peak to the
By: Tazi on Sep 29, 2010
omgosh it was hard to me.
By: Spencer on Jul 4, 2010
God Bless America, the greatest nation in the world. Happy Independence Day!
By: Lee on May 13, 2010
The Declaration of Independence was signed by 56 delegates.
By: josey on Oct 7, 2009
By: Adam on Oct 4, 2009
Doin a project on DOI need facts on it!!!!
By: Leah on Sep 15, 2009
a bargain hunter once found a copy for $4 and was later sold it for millions
By: ann on Sep 7, 2009
By: David Combs on Aug 12, 2009
What happened to This Dream??
By: John C. Smith on Jul 6, 2009
Love the Quiz and hope for 50%
By: bp on Jul 5, 2009
just read it and loved it
By: Davey Joe on Jun 30, 2009
Men of courage. We need men like them today.
By: Sarah. on Jun 29, 2009
Amazing piece of Legislation.
By: Robert Appold on Jun 8, 2009
By: sam and raindow on Jun 1, 2009
on the back of the document it reads original deceleration of independence
By: wouldn't you like to know on May 25, 2009
The Declaration was actually adopted on July 2. The entire reason that we celebrate July 4 is that the Second Continental Congress forgot about the date the following year until two days later. They decided just to celebrate every July 4.
By: sonam tshering on Feb 4, 2009
By: Amber on Jan 27, 2009
I absolutly love the Decleration of Independence, I think that it is the greatest document of all tiime!
By: Len Dryden on Jan 23, 2009
By: tony williams on Jan 23, 2009
"give me a milkshake or give me death"....."you can take cell phone but you cant take my freedon"
By: malik on Nov 20, 2008
By: fatuma on Aug 23, 2008
the declaration of independence is contained by three parts one is the preamble,the second one is the natural rights,and the last part is the british wrongs.this document was written because congress wanted to spell out why they wanted to separate from great britian.they also wanted other countries and future citizens to know why their country separated from britian.

Write the Declaration of the Independence Quiz Sporcle

Source: https://www.quizmoz.com/quizzes/General-Knowledge-Quizzes/d/Declaration-of-Independence-Quiz.asp

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